Marketing, Graphics Production, & Promotional Design

Event Posters

Produced as Marketing Committee co-chair for CoMo Roller Derby 2022-2023. Each poster uses photography from past events, conveys movement and action via photos and typographic choices, employs stylized editing to create visual contrast, and utilizes team colors to maintain branding and grab attention. Distributed in print and digital formats.

Recruitment Flyers

Produced as Marketing Committee Co-Chair for CoMo Roller Derby 2022-2023. Flyers utilize team colors and photography from past events to recruit beginner skaters to the team. Distributed in print and digital formats.

Bout Program

Produced as Marketing Committee Co-Chair for CoMo Roller Derby 2023. Program shares bout-specific information such as team member numbers and names, team sponsors, and our recruitment information. Distributed in digital format.

Event PostersProduced as Marketing Committee lead for the Rolla Rockets throughout 2019. Each poster uses photography from past events, conveys movement and action via photos and typographic choices, employs stylized editing to create visual contras…

Event Posters

Produced as Marketing Committee lead for the Rolla Rockets throughout 2019. Distributed in print and digital formats.

These projects were produced voluntarily as a member of each team’s marketing and advertising committee.


Springfield-Branson National Airport


Springfield Regional Arts Council